As you head off in search of Christmas presents, the Latvian Museum of Naïve Art and People’s Society of Pictorial Art “Cinobrs” invite you to visit Andrejsala where a Picture Bazaar is going to take place in the welcoming premises of the “Everything Antique” market.

Artists from a number of Rīga’s pictorial art studios (Grīva, Ģilde, Kolorīts, Umbra, Varavīksne and Ziemeļblāzma) will take part in the bazaar.

December is the time to return to simple and emotional values in a festive mood; the kind that are undeniably possessed by art which has emanated straight from the artist’s heart. These pristine examples of native art unsullied by the touch of the school of classic art conceal a mighty and captivating force that addresses every viewer. Therefore, the Naïve Art  Museum of Latvia invites you to visit the Picture Bazaar where in the warm and welcoming premises of the antiques market, you will have the chance not only to admire, but also buy works by masters of naïve art. It could well be that one of the works exhibited at the bazaar will become a cherished and unforgettable Christmas gift.

A new tradition will be initiated in the form of the Andrejsala Picture Bazaar, while at the same time an existing one will also be supported, because part of the proceeds from the bazaar will go towards the organisation of the annual Andrejsala painting symposium.

We look forward to seeing at the opening at 11th December 12:00!

Andrejsala Photo Bazaar: 11.12.2010 – 5.01.2011.

Antiques Market “Everything antique”, Andrejostas iela 4.

Opening hours: weekdays from 10:00-18:00, Saturdays from 10:00- 16:00

Free entrance



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