Works in Progress 03.08 – 15.09.2009 NOASS Gallery, RIGA, Latvia
Part 2 – Face Values

From 11th till 13th of August the jury meeting for International Video and Contemporary Art Festival ŪDENSGABALI/WATERPIECES 2009 was held. During the meeting session all the submitted video works were estimated and ten artist works were chosen for the exhibition.

“Betanovuss” floating gallery and “Noass” invite everyone to enjoy a visually musical and playfully interactive “adventure in motion”. An open-air cinema on AB dam will be screening five programs from onedotzero, the largest digital media festival in the world.
Contemporary culture festival White Night 2009 will take place
between September 12 and 13.

Thusday, August 13 , at 18:00
on floating art centre BETANOVUSS

“Culture and Arts Project NOASS” in collaboration with the Nordic – Baltic residency programme AIR and artist Gary Wornell from Finland presents two creative digital printing courses.
2 day creative digital printing course , 02.09. – 03.09, 9.00 – 17.00
4 day creative digital printing course, 13.08. – 16.08, 9.00 – 17.00
“A Residence”, Andrejostas street 4, Andrejsala