* PAS notes
“T.P.A” (Turin Performance Art)
Performance Art International Festival
9-10 June, Turin, Italy 2012
The TPA festival aims to promote Performance Art, creating an opportunity for exchange between artists of national and international scene and the public in Turin.
1. Open to all artists interested in producing performance art / video performance
2. Proposals for live performance will take into account the internal and external space made available by Greenbox
3. Applicants may submit one or more proposals for performance or video performance
4. The selected artists will be notified by mail by May 6, 2012. They should therefore confirm their presence within 5 days from that date, if not they will be excluded from the Festival
5. Greenbox is committed to providing logistical support to the artists selected (only live section), meals and two nights
6. The material must be received no later than April 7 , 2012, after excluding/selection
7. The presentation of the projects:
The application form with all required attachments, must be received (by hand or by mail) no later than April 7, 2012 at the following address (if sent by mail, postmark date of postmark):
GreenBox-Incubator of Ideas 25
Via San Anselmo 10125 Torino (TO)
The envelope shall state as follows: “TPA section of live performance” or “TPA section videoperfomance”
8. Live performance section:
Applicants must submit an envelope for each project, containing the following documents:
a) main contact: name, address, e-mail, telephone number
b) complete video documentation of the performance – no promo (CD / DVD) showing the title and author’s name
c) will also be required in digital format (CD / DVD) and paper (A4) the following documents:
d) A brief description of the performance
e) a short statement
f) A brief biography
g) Curriculum Vitae
h) web site (if any)
i) a copy of identity document or passport (for all participants, in the case of groups)
9. Video Performance section:
Applicants must submit an envelope for each project, containing the following document
a) main contacts: name, address, e-mail, telephone number
b) video on digital media (CD /DVD) showing the title and author’s name
c) a brief description
d) a brief statement
e) brief biography
f) curriculum vitae
g) web-site
h) a copy of identity document or passport (for all participants, in the case of groups)
10. Excluded applications: if you wish to receive the material you sent, you should include in the envelope a stamp and an envelope with the request address.
11. Projects will be selected by the artistic direction of the TPA and the GreenBox
If you have a questions about T.P.A you can sent an e-mail to a link above: manumacco@yahoo.it
At the link below you can see the photo of the location:
Info: +39 338 58 10 572
Web: www.greenbox.to – Mail: manumacco@yahoo.it
Ufficio stampa:
All information from http://www.greenbox.to/eventi/tpa
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- festivāls, Open call, performance, Performance Art International Festival, TPA